As I’m sure a number of you are aware, Chelsea Grin have a new vocalist in Tom Barber (ex-Lorna Shore), replacing the band’s founding member Alex Koehler. You can learn more about that situation by CLICKING HERE. Likewise, you can learn more about what Alex Koehler’s up to now by CLICKING HERE.

The band is ramping up for the release of an all new album this Summer! It will go by the name of “Eternal Nightmare” with a release dates of July 13th through Rise Records. Pre-orders are currently available to those who CLICK HERE.

In support of this, they’ve released two music videos and now an all new single by the name of “See You Soon”. You can check out all of the above down below.

Also, keep in mind that Chelsea Grin will soon be touring Europe with Oceano, Kublai Khan, and Enterprise Earth. You can find all the dates for that by CLICKING HERE.

Chelsea Grin: Facebook // Twitter // iTunes