
“No one lives forever, but you can’t escape from life; Every day could be your last, so consider your demise.”

Lamb of God are planning an all new EP release by the name of “The Duke”. This is being done as a tribute to a fallen fan by the name of Wayne Ford. He passed away last year following a five year battle with leukemia.

The lead single “The Duke” just premiered over on Rolling Stone. Give a listen.

For more backstory on the situation, you can read and watch the content provided by Lamb of God here:

Like it or not, one day you are going to die.

Frightening, isn’t it?

It’s so much easier to stay constantly distracted than to deeply ponder one’s own mortality. But what if something happened to you that stripped away any pretense of immortality? What if you were made aware with 100% certainty that you were going to die, and die soon? That your time on earth was coming swiftly to an end, and that there was absolutely nothing you could do about it? How would you handle it? … READ MORE

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