There’s always some form of heavy hitting music coming out of Atlanta, Georgia but IØ has boiled it down to the mechanics. Through and through, it’s always safe to expect something dangerously hard and tech driven from the realm of IØ.

On that note, today marks the release of an all new IØ single hilariously titled “Yeet”! But there’s much more to this track than the surface comedy. This is a 2-minute, well-honed weapon of a modern metal track just waiting to beat ear drums to a bloody pulp. You can give the goods a spin for yourself via Chugcore Promotions:

If this serves as any indication of what IØ has hidden up the sleeve right now, things are about to get very interesting… Stay tuned for more where this came from! You can give IØ a follow over on Instagram and Facebook to keep up and check all the music on platforms such as Bandcamp and Spotify.

As for credits, this new single was, of course, written and recorded by the man Lance Summer aka IØ. To make this premiere happen, he collaborated with Davide Aroldi aka HVZE for the mix / master, had the animated video made by Liam Gregg from Etheric Media, and premiered the beast through the good folks over at ChugCore. Hats off to all!

If you’d like to dig deeper into the IØ discography, it’s easy to recommend the “Emissary” EP and the “Open Dialogue” EP along with the more recent single “CC2.0”. You can find all of the above and give a listen by CLICKING HERE.

Links: Facebook // Spotify // Bandcamp