For approximately a year now, Finland-based artist JP Ahonen has been making a heartwarming family comic strip about… Black Metal! Despite the apparent contradiction, it’s actually quite entertaining to flip through. That being the case, we’ve embedded a few of the most recent comics down below. You can scope them all out by heading over to the Official Website. You can also follow along on Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy!

Here’s the official description of the comic as described by the artists:

Belzebubs is a trve kvlt documentary in comic strip form. We warmly welcome you to join our ranks and dwell in deeper into the very (non-existent?) soul of black metal. Belzebubs updates every Friday.

JP Ahonen is the author of the graphic novel Sing No Evil (Perkeros) and Villimpi Pohjola Sunday strip, published in Finland (yes, the Moomin-head-shaped country in Scandinavia). Belzebubs is his improvised therapy project, a playground for silly ideas and an exercise in simply getting SHIT DONE. JP enjoys cooking, having a few pints with friends and getting tattooed but hates writing biographies in third person.

Links: Facebook // Official Website // Instagram

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