Now here’s some awesome news… Origin is about to head into the studio to record their sixth full-length album “Omnipresent”! The venture will be released via Nuclear Blast Records and is hinted to have a spring release this year.
Read the statement from drummer John Longstreth, blast the music provided below, and stay tuned for much more metal \m/
Speaking of old and new, we are also very excited to mark the studio premier of Jason Keyser as Origin‘s vocalist. Please send him your love, prayers, general good energy, meditation, money, etc. for we are surely sure to ‘show him a good time’ in the studio. Origin records albums in a somewhat masochistic, chaotic, and senseless fashion. It’s our best trick, and we need the best guy for our best trick, so that’s why we have Jason. He’s had two years of hard road work with the band and we know he’s the guy. For those that weren’t aware, Origin recorded Entity as a trio without a proper vocalist, so we are very excited to have Jason in to do what a proper vocalist is supposed to do, and in the end leave less work for Paul and Mike!
So, in closing, cheers to 2013. In 2014 Omnipresent, by Origin will be everywhere. See you on tour!”