Rings of Saturn write music on an apocalyptic scale. Massive, crushing, tech death around the xenocide of the human race. After crushing the world with their debut “Embryonic Anomoly”, Rings of Saturn have come back strong with their new album, “Dingir” (pronounced din-jeer). It clocks in at 42 minutes of mind blowing heavy goodness. The album was recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by the beastly Robert Swanson of Mayhemeness Recording Studios. The record will officially be unleashed upon the masses February 5th by Unique Leader Records. The release date was pushed back due to legal issues. Rings of Saturn decided to stream it early on the internet because of that and the leak of a low quality, pre-production version of the album. The band was also tired of waiting so the album is now available for your earholes! You can listen to “Dingir” in it’s entirety right here! …Or you can keep reading the review.
Rings of Saturn sound like The Faceless on crack. They are an extreme tech death force writing shreddy, chaotic, heavy aliencore shit. This is metal through and through \m/ The band is led into a shreddy side of space by guitarists Lucas Mann and Joel Omans. They give a huge, next level performance throughout the record. Ian Baker is a tank behind the kit, breezing through complex rhythmic segmentss like a pro. The frontman and second Ian in the band, Ian Bearer keeps it brutal with low laying growls and ripping screams. And you can’t forget Sean Martinez with the rumble from down under. This dude is a bass master (metal, not fish).
This record is actually a step up from “Embryonic Anomaly” in some ways. I really didn’t believe that was possible before getting my face melted off. It takes all of the elements from that debut and expands upon them while venturing into some new territories. There are several experimental, heavy sections as to be expected. This is evident right from the start as “Objective To Harvest” rips open the album as a stand out track. Every song on “Dingir” offers something awesome. For example, “Shards Of Scorched Flesh” has carpal tunnel inducing shred work and “Peeling Arteries” has some of the most razor sharp rhythmic patterns I’ve heard in awhile. There’s also a few more awesome melodic segments amongst the madness this time. This is evident in songs such as the fore-mentioned “Objective To Harvest” and the incredible instrumental album ender “Utopia”. It’s definitely recommended you sit your ass down and blast through these songs. Incredible stuff.

There aren’t any real flaws in this album. It’s an extremely good effort from beginning to end with serious attention to detail. Some people are saying the drums sound programmed. Fact is, Ian Baker is an alien, he doesn’t fake his drums.
And the verdict is… this will probably be one of the top 10 records of next year (even if you’re listening this year). Insanely good. If you dig technicality and heaviness as much as me, “Dingir” will be a must buy come February 5th. It’s a crazy ass, moshable experience. If you read this much of the review and don’t give it a listen, consider therapy. If you blast it loud enough you might have an alien encounter! (Not recommended, they might have probes)